How to use Shortcode
Use the following short code to display the comment box.
[simple-comments post_id="26" get="30" style="golden" border="true" auto_load="true"
- post_id: Post/Page id.
- get: Total comments to get.
- style: Style comment box. (golden, dark, facebook, default or custom).
- border: Show/hide border. (true or false)
- auto_load: Load comments automatically on page load. (true or false)
- order: Order of the comments. (DESC, ASC or likes)
- form: Show/hide comment form. (true or false)
[simple-comments post_id="26" get="30" style="golden" border="true" auto_load="true" order="likes"
[simple-comments post_id="28" get="20" style="dark" border="true" auto_load="false" order="ASC"
[simple-comments post_id="41" get="20" style="facebook" border="true" auto_load="true" order="DESC"